Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fish - Nikki Style!

I know that not everyone is as lucky as me to have a wonderful stepfather who provides me with all the fish I could ever want.  Emma prefers the fish to be fried and as much as I love it too I just can't bring myself to cook it that way too often.  I cook it on the healthy side.  Since the fish is in small pieces it doesn't always look so great when I am done with it, but it always tastes great.

I take fish and lay it out on paper towel to let it dry some.  Then I place it in a large frying pan.  I usually have to cook it in two batches.

 I add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and worcestershire sauce to the fish.  Sprinkle it with garlic salt, paprika and pepper. ( notice that no oil was added.)  ( I said it was healthy!)

I usually only flip it once, otherwise it breaks up too much.  

I served it with a baked potato and green beans.

Do you eat much fish?  I would love to hear how you cook yours.

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