Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I love Mexican food.  This is a recipe that my dad taught me a LONG time ago.

1 lb. ground beef
1-2 cans of pork and beans
corn chips
shredded cheddar cheese
lettuce- chopped
onion- chopped
tomato- chopped
black olives
sour cream
taco sauce
taco seasoning

Brown ground beef.  Drain and add taco seasoning and water.  Let it cook down.  Put beans in a bowl and heat.
Everybody makes their own individual plates.
Put desired amount of corn chips on plate.  Top with taco meat and beans.  Add cheese and whatever toppings you like. 

Abbey's friend, Alice, always enjoys having haystacks when she visits.
Well, I guess they make us all pretty happy.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bacon Avocado Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Okay, these are just delicious.  One of our new family favorites.  I found this on Pinterest a month or so ago. I schedule these into our menu about every other week.  We are trying to not over do it!

1 lb. bacon
2 avocados
sourdough bread
margarine or butter
colby cheese slices

Cook bacon as usual.  Cut and scoop out avocado into bowl.  Add a 1/2 cup to 1 cup of salsa.  Mix together with a fork.  Lightly butter one side of sourdough bread.  Start making sandwich like for a usual grilled cheese. Add a slice of cheese.  Break 3 slice of bacon in half and lay on bread. Put on some of the "guac".  Add the other slice of bread.  Flip over...carefully.  And enjoy.

I almost didn't add the calorie count on this one.  But here it is.  Beware. It's not pretty.

Calories - 629
Fat - 20
Carbs - 32
Protein- 25

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thank you cards!

To me, there is nothing like a homemade card.  This is a simple card that I made this past week.  The Cricut machine makes this super simple.  I have many thank you's to get out because of my 40th birthday. Do you have a need for some thank you cards?  I have some extras to sell.  I am willing to mail them, but postage will be extra..  Sets of 4 cards with envelopes for $7.
Of course, I could always make them for you to order if you have some other color in mind.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Angel Cookies

I found this recipe on a phone app that has healthy recipes.  I just tried it this afternoon and they aren't too bad.  If you are counting calories and just need a little something sweet in the afternoon these might just do the trick.  

Angel Cookies

1 box angel food cake mix
1 carton light cool whip

Mix together.  Spray cookie sheets.   Scoop mixture by spoonfuls.  Bake at 325 degrees for about 15 minutes.  Cool on rake.  

Makes 50 cookies.

Calories- 43
Fat- .5
Carbs - 9
Protein- <1

If you try these, let me know what you think!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Zucchini Boat Wrecks

Funny name, huh?
My family loves this dish and helped me come up with the name. I don't care what they call it, what I love is that it is so healthy and I can get my whole family to eat zucchini.
A few years ago I had a surplus of zucchini from my garden and was very tired of making zucchini bread..  I originally sliced the zucchini horizontally, scooped out some of the seeds, filled with the mixture and cooked in the microwave.  A fun dinner that didn't heat up the house on those hot summer days.
One day I got lazy and wanted to do it all in one pan.  I sliced up the zucchini into discs.  The taste was exactly the same, but we could no longer call the dinner boats.  We all agreed that boat wrecks was very appropriate.  So there is the story.  Now on to the recipe...

Zucchini Boat Wrecks

1 package Jennie-O Hot Italian Turkey sausage
1 onion, chopped
2-3 cups zucchini, sliced into discs.
1 can diced tomatoes
mozzarella cheese

Take skin off of sausage.  Brown sausage and onions in pan. Drain excess fat.  Add zucchini and mushrooms.  When veggies are almost done, add some cheese. ( I used about 1 cup because of calories, but you could stir some in and add some to the top if calories are not a concern for you.)

Calories - 211
Fat - 12
Carbs -6
Protein - 20.5

For our family, this made 6 servings.  I served with a piece of garlic bread and it was a delightful meal. A side salad could go great with this too.  I hope you try this and that your family doesn't turn their noses up at the green.

I would love your comments and feedback.

Welcome to Completely Homemade

Delicious, well cooked meals can be a delight to any family. Eating at home can be as much of a treat as eating out at restaurants.  We all recognize that preparing our own meals at home is easier on the pocketbook and a healthier option.  I get my recipes from a variety of places and love to try new things.   I hope that this new blog can help you find new ideas for the KITCHEN.

Handmade crafts is a big part of my life also.  As most of you know, making homemade cards is something I really enjoy.  I hope that as I come up with new things to try, you will also be inspired to try new crafts for your HOME.

So welcome to Completely Homemade.  I hope you enjoy the things I am trying and I look forward to sharing with you soon.